Exercise Your Receiving Muscle

May 10, 2017


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Exercise Your Receiving Muscle

Mary called me from Key West. She and her husband won a trip there. She struggled with the decision to go or not. Her son, Alan, 22, was living at home, going to a local college. Mary constantly fretted about him. “What if he never finishes college? Or ends up homeless? Or worse…living with us?”

She obsesses about Alan to give herself a sense of control and safety. “If I worry, then Alan will be ok.” Receiving a free trip was getting in the way of her obsessing and made her feel out-of-sorts.
She decided to go. “It’s paradise here in Key West. Our room is a palace, the beach is spectacular, the food is delicious and I feel uncomfortable.”

Receiving is natural and yet it feels unnatural to many people.

Receiving is a muscle. You have to exercise it to get it stronger. Your giving muscle is buff. Give it a rest.
  1. When you receive a compliment, believe it.
  2. When someone gives you a gift, accept it and don't think about how you can repay them.
  3. Receiving involves vulnerability. When you give, you are in control. When you receive, you open your heart.
Stay present with the vulnerability. It will melt away the hardened parts of your heart that have been hurt. It replenishes your mind, body, and soul.

The other side of giving is receiving.

Want to learn more about receiving? Check out my FREE guide:

The Art of Receiving - A Gentle Guide to Increase Your Happiness.

It includes 4 videos, assessment, and an infographic valued at $200....FREE!
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