Is this you in 2017?

Jan 01, 2017

Say YES to Yourself....

Stand in your authenticity (the degree to which one is true to one’s personality, spirit, and values, despite outside influences and pressures) and make bold choices from a place of love.
See your fears and the thoughts that are feeding them, and be willing to let them go.
Have faith the size of a mustard seed that you live in a friendly Universe.
Be willing every day to trust in your inherent worth and value.
Answer your call to adventure and experience an endless series of magical miracles.
Let go of relationships that no longer serve you. Bless them on their way.
Act from your values (download values clarification exercise).
Be courageous every day. Dance without embarrassment of your jiggly thighs and breasts.
Speak your truth – in your journal and to your friends.
Send love ahead – to your family, your pets, drivers on the road, clients and colleagues, the check-out clerk, waiters and cleaners.
See all your relationships as your greatest teachers. Embrace the lessons they give you and learn from them.
Release limiting thoughts and beliefs to make space for new, beautiful experiences.
Be wildly curious, like a four-year old. Ask 390 questions today.
Drop all attachments to outcomes.
Know that you are being carried lovingly and gently by a Universe Who always sees you as you are – precious and innocent.
Ask yourself, “What is mine to do in 2017?”


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