Use top-of-mind phrases to keep you focused

Oct 11, 2017


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  Use Top-of-Mind phrases to help you focus on your priorities. A top-of-mind phrase is something that reminds you of something you want to focus on and achieve. Jeff wanted to maintain focus on advancing his sales pipeline. His typical day is filled with meetings, conference calls, and a barrage of emails. By the end of the day, he has spent little time advancing the pipeline. Frustrated and concerned he thought, “What if I don’t hit my targets? Will I keep my job?”
A sticky note, the password phrase on your laptop, or an alarm on your phone are examples of top-of-mind tools upon which to place a key word or phrase.
  • Change the password on your screen save to the key word or phrase.
  • Set an alarm on your phone to go off three times a day. It’s an auditory cue to remind you to focus on your goal.
  • Download an app that allows you to have a word or phrase prominently featured every time you unlock your phone.
  • Change the location of your top-of-mind tool. Your brain stops seeing your word after a week.
Jeff wrote the word ADVANCE on two sticky notes. He placed is one on his bathroom mirror and another on the dashboard of his car. Every morning he read the sticky on the mirror. This helped him focus on the top three actions he would take during the day to advance his sales pipeline. One word or phrase kept top-of-mind can help you focus on your priorities.

Use sticky notes, passwords, and alarms as top-of-mind tools to stay focused on your priorities.

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