Worry is Meditation on the Negative

May 10, 2017


Did you read MAD Magazine as a kid?
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Worry is meditation on the negative.

“What – Me Worry?” is the phrase on the cover of Mad Magazine, said by the fictitious character, Alfred E. Neuman for the past 60 years. His big ears, missing front tooth, and one eye lower than the other depicts a mischievous look, without a care in the world. His features were sculpted in ice at the Dartmouth Winter Carnival. Fred Astaire danced in an Alfred mask during a TV special. Climbers planted a Neuman flag on top of Mt. Everest.
Worry is when you allow your mind to dwell on difficulties or troubles. It is a state of anxiety over actual or potential problems. Worry is a form of control, as a way to prevent bad things from happening. Excessive worry increases anxiety, triggers the fight-flight-freeze response, and may lead to relief in compulsive activities such as over-working or eating.
The antidote to worry is allow your emotions to come up and accept them. Watch them as if you are an outside observer, and make no effort to change them. You realize you can endure it. This is called healthy emotional flow.
  • Acknowledge your feelings.
  • Express them when necessary.
  • Take action if possible.
  • Welcome the next feeling that emerges.
This is called mindfulness.

Stop worrying your way to serenity.

Do you struggle with receiving? Do you give and give and give yet don't know what to do when you get a compliment, a gift, or a few hours to yourself? Stay tuned for my upcoming online course, The Art of Receiving: A Gentle Guide to Increasing Your Happiness

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