The solution to the thought, "I should already know this."

Aug 28, 2017



Beginner’s Mind brings relief.

The Zen principle of Shoshin, or Beginner’s Mind, is when the mind of the beginner is empty, free of the habits of the expert, is open to all possibilities, and can see things as they are.

A professor decides he wants to learn something new so he goes to visit a Zen Master. While the master served tea, the professor talked about all he knew about Zen. The master poured the professor’s cup full, and continued pouring to overflowing. The professor yelled, “It’s overflowing and no more will go in the cup!” The Zen master responded, “You are like this cup. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”

Remember when you first started your career. Were you excited to learn? Did you expect to know everything? Did you ask a ton of questions? This is the practice of beginner’s mind.

Watch a child learn a new skill. They don’t expect to know how to play the piano or hit a baseball, and yet we expect ourselves to know everything.

Our natural tendency is to plow ahead doing what we’ve always done and rarely stepping back to question whether we’re on the right path. Feeling compelled to believe, “I should already know this,” can make us less curious and less open to new ideas and possibilities. It leads us to asking fewer questions.

Practicing beginner’s mind takes a willingness to act as if you don’t know why anything is happening, what anything means, or its purpose and reason. It means releasing all expectations and attachments to outcomes.

Say the Set-Aside Prayer: "Help me let go everything I know and how I think things should turn out."

Act as if you believe this will help you see more opportunities and experience more moments of serendipity – a fortuitous meshing of events.

Remember a time when you were excited to learn a new skill. Step into that attitude and apply it to your day.

Join my Executive Women's Coaching Program

If you're a business owner or executive looking for a group to support you in achieving greater success, then this group is for you!


When you participate in this group, you will:

1.   Produce results without sacrificing your core values

2.   Learn methods for working both ‘ON’ the business (100,000 ft. level) and ‘IN’ the business (10 ft. level) more effectively and efficiently

3.   Share your process with other and receive feedback, support, and solutions from other women in your position

4.   Experience a safe place to connect and process work/life balance challenges so you can achieve mindful success

5.   Foster a forum of compassionate accountability

6.   Use your voice for greater impact

7.   Explore life's possibilities with like-minded women who are ready to break the rules, barriers, and limits



The program starts September 7th.

Questions? Email me at [email protected].

Are you on target to meet your end-of-year goals?

Are you swamped with your own work and want support with your strategy?

Does focusing your team to hit their targets drain you?

Do you need someone else to take care of running a productive and impartial meeting?

Let me help you. I provide facilitation services that:
  • Saves you time
  • Increases productivity and commitment
  • Reduces stress
  • Improves relationships
Contact me now to experience pressure relief and results!
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